Repeat the examination in each cycle – br>the more systematic the examination, Buy the Braster
medical device
and examination package
Download the free app
on your smartphone
Perform an examination
in 15 minutes
Send results to Braster
Telemedical Center
Within 2 days
you will receive
examination results
the greater the possibility of comparing the results
See what experts say about Braster System:

"The key to reducing the breast cancer risk is prophylaxis, prophylaxis, and once more prophylaxis."

"On the basis of over 1000 examined women, we can certainly conclude that contact thermography is efficient in detecting neoplastic lesions."
Braster users' reviews

I love Braster for reminding me about examinations. I have a lot of responsibilities, and if I don’t write something down, I sometimes forget to do it. With Braster, I don’t skip any breast examinations.

Ever since I've had Braster, breast examinations have no longer been a problem. I do it myself in 15 minutes at home. One examination a month is enough to check if my breasts are still in good health.

I am a mature woman in my fifties. I have already had breast examinations, which unfortunately caused me discomfort. I appreciate that Braster is safe, does not emit radiation, and provides a painless examination.

I recently read an article about a breast cancer epidemic. I got scared! I decided that I had to do everything to avoid being defeated by breast cancer. I bought Braster to know what is happening in my breasts and to react quickly.

I like the design of the device very much; it looks perfect on the bedside table. It is so feminine, sublime, and elegant. Ever since I got it, I have been more willing to examine my breasts, and I even look forward to the next examination. :)

I got Braster as a gift from my husband. His concern about my health was the best proof of his love for me. I perform the examination regularly each month, because I know that I have someone to live for.

I have never encountered a breast examination method that would not only give me results interpreted by a physician, but also an electronic results report. This is a great advantage for me. Unfortunately, I had a situation where the physician wrongly interpreted the results, which caused me a tremendous amount of stress.

I've always known that one should examine their own breasts at home, but I never did it regularly. Each time I touched them, I thought I could feel a lump – and I panicked. Finally, someone has invented a brilliant device that eliminates my uncertainty and fear. I recommend it!

When I first saw Braster, I thought it was going to be too complex for me. I was wrong! The examination is very simple, thanks to the app which provides instructions on what to do at every step. I recommend it to all ladies who approach new technologies with a degree of reluctance. It is not so scary, and it may save our lives. ;)

I just received my first result and... I breathed a sigh of relief. I am calm and happy, because I know that everything is all right with my breasts. Examine your breasts, girls!
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